
Renting a car in North Bengal and Sikkim is slightly more complicated than you might first imagine. So please spend five minutes reading this page, might save a lot of your time later.

Disposal Basis

Our CarsThroughout North Bengal you can hire a vehicle on a disposal basis except in Darjeeling town. A disposal basis means the vehicle will stay with you for the entire tour and go wherever you want to go. The bill will depend on three things, what make of vehicle you hire, how much you travel and when you are travelling.

Make of Vehicle - Normally you can either a higher luxury MUV (Innova, Scorpio, Xylo), Standard SUV (Sumo, Max, etc.), or a hatchback (Indica, Swift, WagonR). We assure you of a particular vehicle class but don’t assure you of the exact vehicle make in advance.

Distance Travelled – Our vehicles come with an inclusive cost of 100 km travel per day. Additional travel is billed extra. If you want yourself to be dropped at a particular point, please calculate the return journey of the vehicle back to its garage in Siliguri as well to find the travel cost.

Travel Date – We have some high seasons such as April – June period, Diwali, Christmas, Holi, and other festival periods. During these periods there is a severe shortage of vehicles and the cost is higher.

Given the above complications, you are better off asking our executives about the cost of your tour.

Drop Basis

In Darjeeling town as well as in most of Sikkim vehicles are available only on a drop basis, this means that each service is billed separately. Again the rates vary based on vehicle make, distance travelled, and time of travel. Hence we recommend getting the rates from our travel experts.

Special Note

We strongly recommend all-inclusive package booking with us over a car rental service. It ensures better service, less headache, and lower cost for you. This is especially true during the high season. You may inform us about your entire tour itinerary and ask our helpdesk executives to give an all-inclusive total cost

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Siliguri Office - 19 MN Sarkar Road, Siliguri, West Bengal - 734001 Siliguri, State : West Bengal, Country : India. PIN : 734001