30 km from Alipurduar town and about 40 km from Coochbehar, Rasik Bil is a large marshland and a lake close to Kamakshyaguri town near the Bengal-Assam border. The large lake is ideal for eco-tourism activities. What attracts tourists here is the wide variety of avifauna that includes cormorants, different varieties of storks, ibis, spoonbill, kingfisher, parrots, owl, and many others. There is a large aquarium, a Deer Park, and a Crocodile rehabilitation centre at Rasikbil.
From Rasikbil, you can go on a day visit to the famous Buxa Tiger Reserve. Rasikbil itself is part of the buffer area of the tiger reserve. The historically significant town of Coochbehar can also be visited on a day outing.
The only decent tourist accommodation at Rasikbil is the tourist cottages of the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation. There is a large dormitory in the main building apart from a few cottages.
You may also visit Rasibil as part of a day trip from the Buxa or Coochbehar area.
Siliguri Office - 19 MN Sarkar Road, Siliguri, West Bengal - 734001 Siliguri, State : West Bengal, Country : India. PIN : 734001